

EMDR Skills for Trauma: Rapid, Safe, and Proven Skills and Techniques for Your Trauma Treatment Toolbox

Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $295.00.


EMDR is a set of evidence-based, powerful treatment tools for trauma and PTSD, as well as other mental health conditions. While EMDR skills have been popular for many years, training in these skills can be difficult to find, and is often cost-prohibitive. This affordable 2-day course introduces attendees to the original 8-phase model of EMDR and teaches participants how to conduct each of the eight phases.


Attendees will leave this experiential course with an improved understanding of not only what EMDR is and aims to accomplish, but how to conduct the eight phases with appropriate clients.


Electronic, step-by-step, detailed handouts/instructions for each phase of EMDR will also be included in your registration!


This course is not affiliated with any organization other than Mind Works Professional Education, Inc., and does not qualify towards EMDR “certification” with any certification entity. EMDR “certification” is provided by various entities across the US and abroad, but is not required for the competent and safe practice of EMDR skills. However, in-depth training and consultation in this modality is recommended, as it would be for any other modality (CBT, DBT, etc.).