

New Trends in CBT: Crisis Intervention Strategies for Multiple Symptom Sets

Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $155.00.


Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy has long been considered the gold standard for both symptom management and long-term treatment of most psychological conditions. With the increasing demands for evidence-based practice, CBT-based strategies have become more in demand in both inpatient and outpatient settings. While many clinicians are only familiar with models of depression and anxiety, CBT now has over 26 discrete conceptualizations with specific treatment planning and a broad range of interventions at clinician’s disposal for each.


Leave this action-packed seminar led by international CBT Trainer Jeff Riggenbach with specific strategies for working in brief and crisis oriented ways with clients struggling with problems related to depression, anxiety, anger, substance use, and personality disorder with a range of new tools to add to your therapeutic toolbox.