Aggressive driving and road rage are concerning behaviors that have significant societal implications.

Aggressive driving and road rage are concerning behaviors that have significant societal implications.
To act skillfully as a therapist, one must not only be able to listen to powerful negative emotions, but even more importantly – utilize them to the client’s benefit.
International anger expert Dr. Ron Potter-Efron will have your clinical toolbox overflowing with proven anger strategies for long-term change of aggressive, raging and violent behaviours. In this brand new workshop, Dr. Potter – Efron will bring together neuroscience and a powerful range of anger treatment plans to change the brains and behaviours of your most challenging clients.
This highly focused program has been designed to add the latest cognitive-behavioral and short-term anger intervention strategies to your repertoires. You will learn to apply a powerful range of innovative anger management techniques in your work with adults, youth, couples and families.
Anger is not easy to resolve or treat. For treatment to be effective, a multitude of tools, techniques and therapeutic models should be applied at different times. Not one or another treatment approach is better than the other, and there is no end to learning about new tools. If you have attended other courses on managing and treating anger in the past, then add this one to your portfolio. It is different!