Online Workshops


Disarming High Conflict Personalities in the Workplace: Dealing with the 8 Most Difficult People You Encounter Before They Rob You of Your Peace, Productivity, and Profit!

Leave this training feeling energized and equipped to enhance your organization’s culture by up-leveling your communication in a way that will positively impact recruiting, hiring, and retention.


Borderline Personality Disorder: Management, Treatment and Communication Strategies

Blending the most effective treatment techniques available for BPD into clear protocols, this course will show you how to maximise your chances for helping clients achieve lasting change.


Practical Strategies for Responding to Personality Disorders

The aim of this seminar is to provide more insight into the complex world of personality disorders and equip the participants with strategies for dealing effectively with personality disordered clients.


Gaslighting: Helping your Client Survive Hidden Manipulation

Join Professor Tanya Robinson in her fascinating new course on the gaslight effect, in which she explains the complexities of this hidden but yet so common manipulation strategy people use in order to control others.


Creating Harmony: Personality Disorders in the Workplace

This course will teach you how to recognise problematic behaviours, and how to respond effectively in order to protect yourself, your organisation and colleagues from unnecessary distractions or damage.


Personality and Dissociative Disorders: Trauma, Coping and Repair

This workshop is directed at exploring the link between trauma, dissociation and both dissociative and personality disorders. We will discuss how the brain is changed by trauma and how dissociative and personality disorders develop through attachment and attunement disruptions early in life.


Psychopathy: The Dark Core of Personality

This online course will give you an overview of how we can identify individuals with or at risk of developing psychopathy, and how they differ from other people who display antisocial behaviour.


Personality Disorders Update: DSM 5 And Today’s Most Powerful Treatment And Management Techniques

This workshop focuses on teaching the practical methods that have been found to work successfully with these clients, including methods to repair disordered personality, diminish unproductive behaviours, enhance productive behaviours, and generate appropriate and adaptable behaviours.


The Most Challenging Cluster B Personality Disorders: When Drama And Emotion Dysregulation Predominate

Sharon Freeman Clevenger delivers an intensive workshop designed to provide you with the most practical information, knowledge, skills, and abilities to accurately identify and work with the clients who exhibit traits of borderline, narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.


Effective Approaches for Successful Change in Clients with Borderline, Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders

Working with individuals with Personality Disorders has long been identified as one of the most challenging areas of practice. This seminar will present cutting-edge information on Personality Disorders, along with the most current, effective, and powerful methods for treating and managing three challenging Personality Disorders: Borderline, Narcissistic and Antisocial.


The Personality Disorder Toolbox: The Challenge of the Hidden Agenda

Drawing from the most recent outcome literature, clinical trials, case studies and clinical experience, Dr Jeff Riggenbach presents an integrated approach for dealing with these difficult clients.