Online Workshops


Sensorimotor Therapy Techniques for Trauma Treatment: Practical Skills


Practical Neuroscience of Sleep

In this short 2-hour seminar, designed specifically for mental health professionals, we will explore the fascinating field of sleep neuroscience and its relevance to mental health and wellbeing.


Improving Focus, Motivation and Stress Response: Utilising New Research in Epigenetics and the Neuroendocrine System

This course will review research and breakthroughs provided by novel data as well as changing past misconceptions about our neuroendocrine system.


The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time

This course offers an engaging and informative look at the neuroscience behind the emotions, thoughts, and actions that are linked to depression.


Therapeutic Applications of Neuroscience, Psychoneuroimmunology and Epigenetics

Thise seminar offers a primer on the fields of psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics, combining it with the neuroscience of emotional, interpersonal, cognitive, dynamics, with psychotherapeutic approaches to offer an integrated vision of psychotherapy.


The Hijacked Brain: Epigenetics and Neuroscience-Based Interventions to Help Your Clients Recover From Addictions

We no longer think of addictions in traditional, one-dimensional terms, and the meaning of addictions has expanded from substance misuse into much broader behaviours, such as Netflix binge watching, digital addiction, compulsive eating or shopping. We all seek out pleasure and avoid discomfort. However, for some people these basic tendencies can warp into an addiction.


Energy to Mind: Toward Integration

Previously, the terms “energy” and “mind” had nebulous and often confusing meanings. This webinar clears up the confusion. Through the emerging field of Neuro-energetics we have learned how fluctuations of energy significantly impact cognition and emotional regulation.


Neuroscience Implications and Intensive Treatment for Complex Trauma

This seminar provides you with effective strategies and interventions from EMDR, CBT, somatic approaches, and narrative therapy so you can take your trauma treatment to the next level! You’ll learn how to properly assess clients, effectively stabilize them in preparation for evidence-based treatment, help them safely reprocess traumatic memories, and develop the resources they need to achieve and maintain recovery.


Neurocoaching the Mind for Business, Financial, and Life Success: Create the Life you Have Always Wanted, Professionally, Financially, and Personally

Neurocoaching the Mind uses a simple strategic self-hypnotic process to tune attention to resourceful states. Based in the latest neuroscience findings this practical approach changes motivation, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors.


The Neuroscience-Based Techniques to Train the Brain, Calm the Stress Spin Cycle and Trigger the Brain’s Superpowers

This workshop maps a replicable blueprint to dissolve learned emotional reactions that have previously only been managed by counteracting interventions such as changing cognitions or applying willpower that must be continued for clients to experience relief.


Neuroscience of Complex Trauma – Treatment Tools

This seminar focuses on the neural bases of childhood (developmental/complex) trauma and the sequelae of such trauma, and provides roadmaps for treating developmental/complex trauma in both adult survivors of childhood trauma, and traumatized children. Skills for helping clients recover from trauma and build resilience will also be emphasized.


Neuroscience of Addiction

In this video seminar for mental health clinicians, speaker Dr. Jennifer Sweeton will discuss the main areas of the brain involved in addiction, the reward circuit, and neurochemicals involved in reward, motivation, and addiction. Brain-informed clinical implications and practical techniques will also be introduced.


Neuroscience of God and Faith: It’s Not Just in Your Head

This seminar teaches attendees the neural bases of God and faith, and cites neuroimaging evidence from neurotheology suggesting that our capacity to connect to a higher power is both wired in the brain, and at the same time not “just in our heads.”


Neuroscience for Clinicians

This seminar teaches you how to promote transformation in the traumatized, stressed, addicted, anxious, and depressed brain in positive ways. By initiating change using top-down, bottom-up, and horizontal methods, you add new dimensions to each therapy session. This seminar gives you tools through concepts and experiences to help you build your own techniques for creative individualizing!


Harnessing Neuroplasticity

Attend this highly experiential workshop and learn how to fine tune your own flow of empathy with the help of mirror neuron activation, prevent burnout by accessing the reward system in your brain, and better attune to clients using practical, alliance-building techniques!


Brain Therapy: Planting SEEDS for a Healthy Brain and Better Mental Health

This seminar offers down-to-earth and practical suggestions on how to apply new developments in neuroscience in order to achieve positive client outcomes effectively and fast, describing how to conceptualize psychotherapy based on an integrative model that discards the need for the “schools of psychotherapy.”


Re-Wiring The Brain For Better Mental Health: Neuroscience-Based Techniques That Transform Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, And Addiction Into Resilience

This seminar, led by clinical expert Dr Jennifer Sweeton (Stanford University School of Medicine), shares the most up-to-date research discoveries and teaches highly effective techniques aimed at facilitating resilience and recovery from depression, addiction, anxiety that might be linked to trauma.


Mindfulness, Neuroscience And Attachment Theory: A Powerful Approach For Changing The Brain, Transforming Negative Emotions And Improving Client Outcomes

In this seminar, we explore an integrated approach — incorporating advances in neuroscience, new insights about attachment theory and The Five Core Skills of Mindfulness — that accelerates healthy change and improves client outcomes. Terry Fralich discusses practical insights, language and techniques that will strengthen your professional confidence and effectiveness.